The Superlife 10-Day Nutrition Program by Darin Olien – Part II

First, read The Superlife 10-Day Nutrition Program by Darin Olien – Part I

These are a few of the recipes that I prepared during the second half of the program:

Steel Cut Oatmeal with Homemade Almond Milk and Organic Wild Blueberries

Homemade No-Bean Hummus Lettuce Wraps

SL-Homemade No-Bean Hummus Lettuce Wraps

Instead of store-bought hummus, I decided to prepare my delicious homemade no-bean hummus. For the recipe, click here

 Just Beet It Salad!

Go Get’ Em Smoothie – Mixed berries with Spinach, Coconut Water and Mushroom Matrix.

Buckwheat Noodle Salad

Buckwheat Noodle Salad

SuperLife 10-day Review

This is a great program for anyone that wants to incorporate more vegetables into their life. I also recommend it to anyone that doesn’t have a lot of time to cook but wants to eat healthy(ier). The recipes are simple, with ingredients easy to pronounce too! OK, maybe you never heard of kelp noodles before or you are not familiar with nutritional yeast or mushroom powders, but you can easily find these products at your local natural health store.

A nice thing about this program is that each recipes takes approximately 15-20 minutes to prepare. That’s it! I also like that each recipe includes tips for “Athletes/Increased Energy Needs” and for people following a grain-free diet, a nut-free diet and a seed-free diet. There are also alternatives for the few smoothies that call for a scoop of Shakeology ( using in most of the cases spinach and/or almond butter). I am glad he is offering other options.

The program recommends washing all vegetables with the TherOzone Blue Leaf sanitizer. It’s supposed to be “the most comprehensive, cost-effective way to kill food-borne bacteria and remove toxins”. I didn’t do this. I think water and a tad of vinegar does the trick. He also recommends drinking distilled water with added Himalayan crystal salts. Oops, I accidentally skipped this part too, an important one. But I drank the recommended daily doses of (filtered) water ( 62 oz for my body) which is practically a miracle for a camel like me. Having a water journal really helped. Thanks Darin!

Overall, I really enjoyed the program and all the “rainbows” that I ate in the last ten days. My plate was colorful, nutritiously balanced and full of Sunshine&Kale!

For more information about this program check SuperLife 10-Day.

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